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After School Enrichment


At Good Shepherd, we believe that education extends far beyond the confines of a traditional classroom. Our after-school enrichment program is founded on the principle that each student is a unique and curious individual, capable of achieving their fullest potential when provided with opportunities to explore, discover, and grow. We embrace that the journey of education is a lifelong adventure, and our role is to ignite the spark of curiosity, inspire creativity, and instill a sense of wonder.After-School Enrichment Philosophy


Our after-school programs support families twofold: providing a safe, structured way to extend care from afternoon dismissal until 6 p.m.; and promoting interest-driven opportunities for student exploration.

Extended day

Our daily after-school program, available to all students Pre-K through 8th grade, seamlessly extends the school day, providing students with an opportunity to socialize with friends and make headway on their homework.

Explore Extended Day


Designed to enrich the educational experience of our students after the school day ends, Encore programming promotes the interests, skills, and hobbies of our students at any age. Both private lessons and group activities are available.

Explore Encore Programs

The After-School Enrichment Team

Alex Thompson

Alex Thompson

Director of Enrichment
Maddie Raney

Maddie Raney

Director of Extended Day